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The Greatest Story is happening now, and we, are living it into being.


As we walk through the entryway of this prophesized era and simultaneously, the doorway of our own day, we come to an opening of pure unknown, and yet far more potent with potentiality than the mystery of our imagination can yet behold. This is the threshold of our overturning times, the very times that we are made for.

"Pachacuti" of the Incan-Q'ero prophecy.
"Powateono" of Hopi prophecy.
"Seven Fires" of the Anishinaabe prophecy.
"Time of No Time" of the Mayan prophecy.
"Shambhala" of the Tibetan prophecy.
"Rainbow Prophecy" of the Cree Nation.
. . . there are countless more.

And these prophecies are not relics of historical culture archive relegated to quarantine within our purely logical minds; they are ever alive. They live in us, as we each make up the whole of humanity, together. These prophecies, safe kept wisdom-stories from ancient lineages that engendered an interconnected awareness far more oracular and expansive than the upbringing of contemporary consciousness, are a relieving reminder and lighthouse to the grander narrative at present cosmic play. Where the mythic meets realness is embedded within our very own personal lives, which are uniquely, consequentially, essentially, imperatively, irrevocably heroic by the very nature of living our re-sensitization and remembrance into existence during these times. 

Our pains and fears
wounds and traumas
grief and dispair
courage and rage

passion and plight
doubt and loneliness
innocence and vulnerability
compassion and reverence

inspiration and vision



Also called by many as the time of the Rising Sacred Feminine. Not further polarization of our world, but just the opposite: a most thoroughly messy and miraculous integration of all known and unknown, a merging with the great subconscious and becoming whole, a coming home in the deepest reaches of that understanding. It is a great re-valuing of the animistic; an inclusive re-throning of relatedness. A time so fertile for centuries old trapped trespasses or unacknowledged visions of pure heart, from this lifetime, our ancestral and collective lineage, and the unhealed and unheard narratives of the voiceless available at every turn, connecting us. We are awakening to our extraordinary interconnectivity; this is the Rise of the Sacred Feminine, which gives birth to a newer Sacred Masculine; both as primordial consort-archetypes at the foundation of our ever-creational universe. And, this, beyond the sacred particulars and specific context in each of our personal lives, is the understory playing us into immeasurable evolution.


This is it, this is the great time our personal and collective lives are living for. It is the great reclamation, an unravelling of patriarchy; a value system that distorts our inherent and boundless nature, while imposing a conforming ideology that systemizes and commodifies our precious lives, extracting the harmony with Life. We are breaking these silent agreements and coming to know ourselves beyond the light of these colonizing esteems, and in a light far more brilliant, blinding, and dynamic: who we truly and irrevocably are, and the regenerative omni-honoring socio-enviro-economical world we know we belong to.


No longer cast to unconscious dungeons of repression within us and within our collective ancestry, our unintegrated shadows of "othering" have a chance to show us their wisdom before achingly manifesting into the external. When we block aspects of ourselves from belonging, we project this into our world, sanctioning the normalization and continual vision of hierarchical division that births ideologies enabling us, as humanity, throughout time to abuse our Earth, her species, each other, and most insightfully, ourselves. So, when we come to learn how to grow into our capacity for welcoming the worthiness to behold the multiplicity of our being and the maps of feelings within, we birth a most magnificent, and perhaps "new" Love and acceptance into the world, which is the substrate-soil that our yet-mythic and very real new world can root in: that is now finding taproot through all of us in our courage to bring our multi-textural existence into life.


When our inner landscape can feel ritually seen and honored, we give rise to a spaciousness that nourishes a receptivity to a new consciousness and tenderly bring it alive into this changing world.


Under the incomprehensible influence of this great changing era, our lives as we know it may crumble and burn, scorch and collapse, and elements may altogether become ravaged. Take heart, this means we are doing so well in midwifing this great overturning in our lives. There are mirrored threads that run through all of the prophecies, which is that there is a foreboding death of a culture that isn't kind anymore. Working anymore. Life-giving anymore. And so, the diversity of deaths in our personal lives is the very initiation into the second half; what the prophecies give rise to once we pass through those rites of passage: Rebirth. When we have nothing else left to lose, it can become soberingly apparent what we are truly made for, what to live for, what to truly bring through us with our renewed worldview. I know this, myself. What arrives upon the horizon of rebirth after the fertile tilling of death, is what dwells in the deepest parts of our hearts, communes with us through sacred visions, gathers us together in collective psyche to court a shared dream, and calls us into being. 

And, to help us through these treacherously triumphant times, there are those that have kept the awareness of this prophetic era alive in their blood, bones, and being of long-held lineages of reconnective wisdom. Their voices have often been hidden, disregarded, shamed, and even threatened. But during this auspicious moment in time, when some we may have been used to looking to aren't offering guidance that resonates with our evolving hearts, there is a reclamation of potency in the voices of our Indigenous Wisdomkeepers to our honest ears and yearning hearts, asking to listen deep within. 


Indigenous Wisdomkeepers are living carriers of ancient cultural pathways of interrelational consciousness that is ripe within the human spectrum at this time. They are attuned to a presence that is remarkably receptive to the inner micro + macrocosmic workings of reality; sensitized to a greater perception of this dear world. These Elders are a living axis holding a center point that bridges the invaluable primordial remembrance of our interconnected ancestry with all things, to our current precipice of creating our tomorrows that offers essential regenerative wisdom to our future generations. . . until we can remember and embody, ourselves.

They are alive reminders that when we can explore our infinite inherent nature of being, interrelating with the far and intimate reaches of our existence, we can begin to commune with this harmonic intelligence that permeates all; we begin to speak the earthly and cosmic mother-tongue that informs our tomorrows. As the wheel of these sacred times turn, we can reclaim wisdom as our greatest resource: wisdom from within, wisdom of our Elders, wisdom of our more-than-human world, and wisdom of our dear future that is calling us into relationship with them and the evolution of our lives.

We cannot hide from who we are becoming.



This is where my work, intentions, and visions for collaboration of ART as one of the most powerful forms of social + environmental ACTIVISM

emerges from.



I invite you into further elaborations of my work:





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